Kristoff Cigars

In 2004, Glen Case’s unwavering passion for cigars ignited the journey that birthed an internationally acclaimed brand, Kristoff Cigars. Renowned for producing some of the industry’s most exceptional cigars, Kristoff is dedicated to ensuring that consistently high-quality cigars are accessible to aficionados worldwide.

Glen started off in the professional cigar industry as an independent sales rep, but it only took six months before he knew he wanted to launch his own line, which set off the first sparks of Kristoff Cigars, and the rest is history. The name, Kristoff, comes from his son, Christopher, while his daughter, Brittany continues to inspire blends like Kristania.

As a recommended retailer of quality cigars, we at supply and stock a range of Kristoff cigars, including the Pistoff, Corojo and Sumatra. Book an appointment at our cigar showroom in Brierley Hill to see what cigars we have available.

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