Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection Cigar
Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection Cigar£88.50Add to cart
Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection Cigar
Davidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection CigarDavidoff Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection Cigar
In 1946, Zino Davidoff designed a line of cigars which would be crafted like classic Bordeaux wines. The blend would be selected depending on the soil and the climate in which the tobacco grew, just like the French ‘terroirs’. And just as Bordeaux wines blend three different main grapes, these cigars would feature three different fillers. Voilá, Davidoff Grand Cru cigars were born. Now, like the rich, ripe grapes of Bordeaux, the fruits of another piece ofinnovation have been harvested and turned into a truly remarkable cigar, one even more deserving of the title Grand Cru.
For the Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection incorporates tobacco aged in Premier Grand Cru red wine casks from Bordeaux. In the spirit of Zino’s pioneering blends, this is the first time where a wine cask aged tobacco has been used. A San Vicente seco tobacco is matured for six months in the casks. As a result, the flavour carries the same notes which characterise the chateaux wines – dark cherries, walnuts and citrus. The combination rolls around in the mouth like wine being swirled in a glass.
To add extra distinctiveness to this Limited Edition, it comes in the striking figurado format. The shape guides the palate towards the richness of the blend. Perfect to accompany a vintage bottle from France’s most celebrated wine region.
For this is truly vintage Davidoff. Santé.
Limited to 15,500 boxes of 10 this special edition is unlikely to be available for very long. So add these to your humidor before heading to the cellar to make your wine selection.
Strength Light / Medium
Shape: Diadema
Wrapper: Connecticut from Ecuador
Binder: Dominican Republic
Filler: Dominican Republic
Size: 6 3/4″ Inches
Ring Gauge: 50
Smoke Time: 65 Mins
£88.50Add to cart
Davidoff Robusto Gift Selection Box of 5 Cigars
Davidoff Robusto Gift Selection Box of 5 Cigars£200.00Read more
Davidoff Robusto Gift Selection Box of 5 Cigars
Davidoff Robusto Gift Selection Box of 5 CigarsDavidoff Robusto Gift Selection Box of 5 Cigars
This Davidoff Robusto Gift Selection box represents an exciting sensory journey into the rich flavours of some of the most sought after Davidoff blends, in the popular robusto format. It comes in a beautiful, contemporary, wooden inlaid box.
The gift boxes open to reveal tastes from around the world and are ideal for all those who love to fill their time beautifully.
This box contains 5 of Davidoff’s best-selling cigars:
– Aniversario Special “R”
– Escurio Robusto
– Nicaragua Robusto
– Yamasá Robusto
– Winston Churchill Robusto
£200.00Read more
Davidoff Signature 2000 Cigar
Davidoff Signature 2000 CigarDavidoff Signature 2000 Cigar made in the Dominican Republic a lovely tasting cigar with mild creamy tastes and aromas. The Signature is a timeless Corona Cigar crafted over 35 years ago by Davidoff. This is Davidoff’s best selling cigar worldwide and a personal favorite of James the Owner of Cigar Nights. Tasting notes Hints of Coffee, Wood and lots of cream.
Length 5 1/16 Inch Ring Gauge 43
Strength Light to Medium
Smoke Time 30 -35 mins
Prices are per cigar
£32.00Read more
Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Robusto Cigar
Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Robusto Cigar£45.00Read more
Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Robusto Cigar
Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Robusto CigarDavidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Robusto Cigar.
Length: 5″
Ring Gauge: 52
Strength: Medium – Full
Packaging: Pack of 4 Cigars
Format: Churchill
Provenance: Dominican Republic
Enjoyment Time: 50 mins
“Winston Churchill – The Late Hour” contains tobacco aged for six months in finest Scotch single malt whisky casks, a feat no one has attempted before.
The tobacco absorbs the aromas of the cask and whisky, which suffuses the cigar with a unique complexity, depth and the headiest of flavours, creating a unique stimulation of the palate.
To reflect the darkness during which Sir Winston was his most creative, Davidoff has selected a shiny and oily Ecuador wrapper in a beautiful dark chocolate colour.
Price is per cigar
£45.00Read more
Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Robusto Cigars Pack of 4
Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Robusto Cigars Pack of 4£178.00Read more
Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Robusto Cigars Pack of 4
Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Robusto Cigars Pack of 4Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Robusto Cigars Pack of 4
Length: 5″
Ring Gauge: 52
Strength: Medium – Full
Packaging: Pack of 4 Cigars
Format: Churchill
Provenance: Dominican Republic
Enjoyment Time: 50 mins
“Winston Churchill – The Late Hour” contains tobacco aged for six months in finest Scotch single malt whisky casks, a feat no one has attempted before.
The tobacco absorbs the aromas of the cask and whisky, which suffuses the cigar with a unique complexity, depth and the headiest of flavours, creating a unique stimulation of the palate.
To reflect the darkness during which Sir Winston was his most creative, Davidoff has selected a shiny and oily Ecuador wrapper in a beautiful dark chocolate colour.
£178.00Read more
Davidoff Winston Churchill Statesman Robusto Cigars Packet x 4
Davidoff Winston Churchill Statesman Robusto Cigars Packet x 4£190.12Add to cart
Davidoff Winston Churchill Statesman Robusto Cigars Packet x 4
Davidoff Winston Churchill Statesman Robusto Cigars Packet x 4The Davidoff Winston Churchill Statesman Robusto Cigar has a complex profile, Sir Winston Churchill was one of the greatest statesmen to have ever lived, this Cigar by Davidoff reflects the true leadership qualities with fantastic tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Mexico and Ecuador to produce a fine oily, silky cigar with the perfect balance of coffee and leather flavours
Size: Robusto
Length: 5 1/4
Ring Gauge: 52
Wrapper: Corojo
Strength: Medium / Full
Origin: Dominican Republic
£190.12Add to cart
Davidoff Winston Churchill Traveller Belicoso Tin of 4 Cigars
Davidoff Winston Churchill Traveller Belicoso Tin of 4 Cigars£55.55Read more
Davidoff Winston Churchill Traveller Belicoso Tin of 4 Cigars
Davidoff Winston Churchill Traveller Belicoso Tin of 4 CigarsDavidoff Winston Churchill Traveller Belicoso Tin of 4 Cigars a fantastic cigar just like the man himself Winston Churchill, This Belicoso Cigar is rich with mild flavors,smooth as silk a must companion for a Cigar smoker on his travels.
Length 4 1/2″
Ring Gauge 46
Format: Belicoso
Strength: Medium -Full
Packaging Tin of 4 Cigars
Throughout his life Sir Winston was a traveller, a wayfarer, exploring the world through his work as a war correspondent, widening his horizons and his mind. This took him to Cuba and to the beginning of his love affair with cigars. Indeed seeds from the island are in the fabric of the Belicoso. Later, his roaming spirit would take him to Marrakesh, the inspiration for many of his paintings and a location as rich and full-flavoured as this Belicoso format cigar, which would certainly satisfy Sir Winston’s taste for the exotic.
£55.55Read more